
You can find my full publication list on my Google Scholar profile.

Journal Papers (First and corresponding (*) authorships)

Book chapters

  1. Wang, Q., Wei, J., Liu, H., Wang, D., Nghiem, L., Wang, Z. (2020) Chapter 11: Improving bioenergy recovery from anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge (Eds. Nogo, G., Zhang, S.). New York: Wiley. link


  1. Wang, Z., Zheng, M., Hu, S., Yuan, Z. Method for treating wastewater or sludge. PCT/AU2020/050293.
  2. 郑平,单晓雨,王志尧,厉巍。一种渗流自充氧菌毯短程硝化反应器,实用新型专利, CN203999127U。
  3. 郑平,单晓雨,王志尧,厉巍。渗流自充氧菌毯短程硝化反应器及其废水处理方法,发明专利(授权),CN104192986B。