You can find my full publication list on my Google Scholar profile.
Journal Papers (First and corresponding (*) authorships)
- Xu, D., Pan, C., Chen, W., Zheng, P., Zhang, M, Wang, Z.* (2024) Surface-adhered Micro-bubbles Enhance the Resistance of ANAMMOX Granular Sludge to Sulfamethoxazole Stress. Environmental Science & Technology. link
- Wang, Z., Lu, X., Zhang, X., Yuan, Z., Zheng, M., Hu, S. (2024) Ammonium-Based Bioleaching of Toxic Metals from Sewage Sludge in a Continuous Bioreactor. Water Research, 121651. link
- Wang, Z., Lu, X., Zheng, M., Hu, Z., Batstone, D., Yuan, Z., Hu, S. (2024) Quadrupling the capacity of post aerobic digestion treating anaerobically digested sludge using a moving-bed biofilm (MBBR) configuration. Water Research X, 100240. link
- Kong, Z., Wang, Z.,* Lu, X., Song, Y., Yuan, Z., Hu, S. (2024) Significant in situ sludge yield reduction in an acidic activated sludge system. Water Research, 122042. link
- Wang, Z., Zheng, M., Duan, H., Yuan, Z. and Hu, S. (2022) A 20-Year Journey of Partial Nitritation and Anammox (PN/A): from Sidestream toward Mainstream. Environmental Science & Technology, 56 (12), 7522–7531. ESI highly cited link
- Wang, Z., Zheng, M., Duan, H., Hu, S. and Yuan, Z. (2022) Re-configuring mainstream anammox. Chemical Engineering Journal, 445,
- Wang, Z. (2022) Using a New Acid-tolerant Bacteria to Improve Sludge Management. Water e-journal 6(3), 1–6. link
- Wang, Z., Liu, T., Duan, H., Song, Y., Lu, X., Hu, S., Yuan, Z., Batstone, D., Zheng, M. (2021). Post-treatment options for anaerobically digested sludge: current status and future prospect. Water Research, 117665. link
- Wang, Z., Zheng, M., Hu, Z., Duan, H., De Clippeleir, H., Al-Omari, A., Hu, S., Yuan, Z. (2021). Unravelling adaptation of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in mainstream PN/A process: mechanisms and counter-strategies. Water Research, 117239. link
- Wang, Z., Ni, G., Xia, J., Song, Y., Hu, S., Yuan, Z., Zheng, M. (2021). Bioleaching of toxic metals from anaerobically digested sludge without external chemical addition. Water Research, 117211. link
- Wang, Z., Zheng, M., Duan, H., Ni, G., Yu, W., Liu, Y., Yuan, Z., Hu, S. (2021). Acidic aerobic digestion of anaerobically-digested sludge enabled by a novel ammonia-oxidizing bacterium. Water Research, 116962. link
- Wang, Z., Zheng, M., Meng, J., Hu, Z., Ni, G., Guerrero Calderon, A., Li, H., De Clippeleir, H., Al-Omari, A., Hu, S., Yuan, Z. (2021). Robust nitritation sustained by acid-tolerant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(3), 2048-2056. link
- Wang, Z., Ni, G., Maulani, N., Xia, J., De Clippeleir, H., Hu, S., Yuan, Z., Zheng, M. (2021). Stoichiometric and kinetic characterization of an acid-tolerant ammonia oxidizer ‘Candidatus Nitrosoglobus’. Water Research, 117026. link
- Liu, H., Wang, Z.,* Nghiem, L. D., Gao, L., Zamyadi, A., Zhang, Z., Sun, J., Wang, Q. * (2021). Solid-embedded microplastics from sewage sludge to agricultural soils: detection, occurrence, and impacts. ACS ES&T Water. 1(6), 1322-1333. link
- Wang, Z., Zheng, M., Xue, Y., Xia, J., Zhong, H., Ni, G., Liu, Y., Yuan, Z., Hu, S. (2020) Free ammonia shock treatment eliminates nitrite-oxidizing bacterial activity for mainstream biofilm nitritation process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 124682. link
- Wang, Z., Zheng, P. (2017) Predicting settling performance of ANAMMOX granular sludge based on fractal dimensions. Water Research, 120, 222-228. link
- Wang, Z., Shan, X., Li, W., Chen, H., Zhang, M., Zheng, P. (2016) Robustness of ANAMMOX granule sludge bed reactor: effect and mechanism of organic matter interference. Ecological Engineering, 91, 131-138. link
- Wang, Z., Chen, W., Zheng, P. (2016) The Application of Fractal Theory in ANAMMOX Granule Sludge Blanket Bioreactor. Bulletin of Science and Technology, 32(12), 216-220. link
Book chapters
- Wang, Q., Wei, J., Liu, H., Wang, D., Nghiem, L., Wang, Z. (2020) Chapter 11: Improving bioenergy recovery from anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge (Eds. Nogo, G., Zhang, S.). New York: Wiley. link