About me

I am holding a joint position of Research Fellow at Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology and School of Chemical Engineering. My research interests include innovative nutrient removal and recovery (NRR) technologies, reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, nitrogen conversion-related novel microorganisms and physiochemical reactions.


Ph.D. in Environmnetal Engineering, The University of Queesland, Australia, 10/2016 - 06/2021.

  • Supervisor: Prof. Zhiguo Yuan Google scholar
  • Thesis: Innovative nitrogen conversion to enhance wastewater and sludge management

B.Eng. in Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 09/2012 - 07/2016.

  • Chu Kochen Honour Degree in Advanced Engineering
  • Supervisor: Prof. Ping Zheng Scopus
  • Thesis: The application of fractal theory in Anammox Granular sludge

Working Experience

Research Fellow, University of Queensland, 05/2024 - present

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Queensland, 06/2021 - 04/2024

Industrial Placement, Urban Utilities, Brisbane, Australia, 06/2020 - 09/2020

Selected Awards

2022 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award (Honourable Mention), Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP). One of the most prestigious PhD thesis award in the field of Environmental Science and Technology. I was the only awardee outside the United States of the year. link

2022 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, awarded by Journal Water, Only one doctor thesis per annum. link

2021 National Student Water Prize, Australian Water Association, one in Asutralia per annum. link

2021 UQ Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses, University of Queensland. [< 10% of research higher degree graduates are recognised each year]

2020 Research Opportunities Travel Award,, Technical University Munich, Germany [50 per year/worldwide to attract high-profile early-career researchers]


  • 7 Oct 2024. Our paper “Surface-adhered Micro-bubbles Enhance the Resistance of ANAMMOX Granular Sludge to Sulfamethoxazole Stress” has been accepted by Environmental Science & Technology. This is my first paper as the last senior author!

  • 30 Sep 2024. Our workshop proposal has been granted. I will be organizing an international workshop, together with Prof. Liu Ye from UQ and Prof. Korad Koch from TUM, Germany, on “Pathways to Resource Recovery from Wastewater in the Net-Zero Era”! Already getting excited!
  • 19 Sep 2024. Launching my academic personal page, as a birthday gift to myself. Happy 30th Birthday! Looking forward to populating the page and documenting my academic journey. Better late than never!